Our Services

Breastfeeding Support

Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding Drop-ins

Ashford – Monday 1:00-2:30.

Breastfeeding and infant feeding support at Clarendon Family Centre, Clarendon Primary School,  Knapp Road, Ashford TW15 2HZ. This session is supported by health professionals from Children and Family Health Surrey.

No need to book!

We are delighted to have received funding from Spelthorne Borough council to provide breastfeeding and infant feeding support locally. We have joined with Sunbury, Shepperton and Chertsey NCT Bumps and Babes and from April 2024 we are running Drop-ins at both Bumps and Babes sessions.

Sunbury, Tuesday 10:30-11:30

Breastfeeding support running alongside the friendly NCT Bumps and Babes , at The Open Door Church, corner of Green Street and Rooksmead Rd, Sunbury TW16 6QQ.

Shepperton, Thursday 1:15-2:15

Breastfeeding support running alongside the friendly NCT Bumps and Babes at Shepperton Village, High Street, Shepperton TW17 7AU.

Pop in for Breastfeeding Support and join other parents for a chat at Bumps and Babes.

Individual Appointments on Zoom

Would you like to speak to a Breastfeeding Counsellor or Lactation Consultant at a time that suits you?

We know that some people cannot make it to our regular drop-ins or may need support more urgently. We can arrange an appointment over Zoom, at a time that suits you so you can talk to us from the comfort of your own home.

We do not want cost to prevent anyone from accessing quality breastfeeding support, so we will run these appointments on a “pay-what-you-can” basis. Donations can be made here.

Please complete this form or contact us if you would like to know more or arrange a zoom call.

Breastfeeding Home Visit

Sometimes, when breastfeeding issues are a bit more complex, women benefit from longer face to face consultation in the comfort and privacy of their own home.  We have vast experience in supporting mothers in this way. 

We are offering home visits at a time to suit you. 

A typical home visit would last 60-90 minutes. By working with you and your baby, listening to your concerns and observing a feed, we would work with you to help you achieve your breastfeeding goals.  We will also follow up by text or whatsapp.  

A one-to-one home visits costs £70 for first visit, £50 for second or subsequent visits.

Please complete this form to request a home visit. 

Breasfeeding Support via WhatsApp

Join our WhatsApp group!  A friendly group where your breastfeeding concerns and questions are answered by Jenny, Trisha & Mary, our peer supporters and other parents.  Join here 

Parents Workshops

We run a selection of workshops in areas of interest to new parents, details here.

Saturday 27th July Baby and child First Aid